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Fsipanel Download

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by iredtelmo1972 2020. 2. 20. 08:37


This is not something for the casual simmer or someone who flies with the realism settings turned down. Iit is also expensive. But if you want to practice approaches and procedures the same way the professionals do when they book simulator time then it is worth a look. It is primarily targetted at the folks with high end airliners but also supports the A2A Cessnas and Piper Cherokee.

Froogle did a video on it and he can explain it much better than me Also the developer has done some videos including one with the A2A 172 One thing I will say is that the report at the end is scary stuff - for me anyway and I still can't get my Cherokee down close enough to the center line:( and every time I hear the undercarriage crunch I fear the worst. I should say I have no connection with this other than finding it via Froogles video the other day Jon ScruffyDuck Software Microsoft MVP.

Oh boooo - it's for serious simmers only Looks good though! I have FS Flying School 'Pro' (lol, everythings got to be 'pro' or 'Xtreem') - anyway.

That has an approach feature too, start the video at the 13:20 mark. It also has features that are more suited to newer and/or maybe (ahem) less serious simmers and it might be a bit cheaper, think it's $30 normal price. I took my instructor out for a spin in my EE Lightning - he, erm, he didn't appreciate my Tom Cruise impressions Flight included the following problems: Rough turns - your passengers spilt their drinks and have a pain in their necks. Steep banking - save your aerobatic flying for some other time.

Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked. Exceeding gear speed - your landing gear may be damaged: have it checked. Sickening G forces - your passengers feel rather unwell. Rough pitch control - that flight felt like a rollercoaster. Poor steering during takeoff - stay in the centre of the runway.

Late rotation - when Vr is reached - take off. Poor attention to taxi speed - dangerous to yourself and others. Loss of altitude during takeoff - climb smoothly. Dangerous stalls - don't let that happen again. Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Fsi Aircraft


Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions. Nose held too low - we're not in combat. Excessive speed at low altitude - several complaints have been filed. Narrowly missed obstacles - plan your safety altitudes. Definite room for improvement. But yeah, it's a old mature piece of software now having had lots of updates over the years and has a lot of pretty cool features.

I think anything that gives you nice, detailed pilot logs is a good thing to have running, FSFS builds up a pilot briefing for you over time. Here's mine No Improvement.

Frequent long term problem - Dangerous taxiing turns. Occasional long term problem - Braking during takeoff.

Improving. Serious long term problem - Exceeding flap speeds. Frequent long term problem - Exceeding gear speed. Serious long term problem - Late rotation.

Occasional long term problem - Throttle and brakes during taxi. Serious long term problem - Loss of altitude during takeoff. Occasional long term problem - Wings not level near ground. Frequent long term problem - Airspeed too low. Frequent long term problem - Rapid descent. Frequent long term problem - Nose held too high.

Mastering. Serious long term problem - Poor steering during takeoff. Occasional long term problem - Nose held too low.

Mastered. Occasional long term problem - Rough turns.

Frequent long term problem - Steep banking. Occasional long term problem - Sickening G forces. Occasional problem - Rough pitch control. Occasional long term problem - Poor attention to taxi speed. Occasional long term problem - Poorly coordinated turns. Occasional problem - Dangerous stalls.

Occasional long term problem - Excessive speed at low altitude. Occasional problem - Narrowly missed obstacles. I keep forgetting and I switch it from taxi to take off mode too early so he keeps telling me off for braking on take off when I'm still just lining up. But, ye, it's great having a list of all the things you're crap. This is gem of a post. In my countless hours of online browsing of things to buy, I must have passed over this product hundreds of times.

I thought it was software for cockpit builders to link up all their peripheral screens and instruments. I never gave it a second thought. This is the tool I didn't know I was looking for. In my FSX development infancy (4 months now), I've been flying around FSX to setup my approaches.

I'm at the point now where I can focus my study on a peticular aircraft. I've stabalized my installation and collected my base commercial hangar: Q400 and NGX (777 after the next patch proves to stable with PMDG aircraft) This type of software is now on my shopping/research list for purchase. Thanks for sharing. Originally posted by:This is gem of a post. In my countless hours of online browsing of things to buy, I must have passed over this product hundreds of times. I thought it was software for cockpit builders to link up all their peripheral screens and instruments. I never gave it a second thought.

This is the tool I didn't know I was looking for. In my infancy in FSX development (4 months now), I've been flying around FSX to setup my approaches.

I'm at the point now where I can focus my study on a peticular aircraft. I've stabalized my installation and collected my base commercial hangar: Q400 and NGX (777 after the next patch proves to stable with PMDG aircraft) This type of software is now on my shopping/research list for purchase. Thanks for sharing. You are welcome. To be honest it is not well named and I would not have found it either but I was browsing FroogleSim's videos for something else and saw it and thought - let's take a look.

I am using it regularly - not that my approach and landing have improved much 8-( Jon ScruffyDuck Software Microsoft MVP.